The Beverly Krebs Cycle This is a story of a little molecule that through Krebs cycle's turned into most o' a cell's fuel In just a moment you shall see how it's used to make ATP (fuel, that is -- adenine triphosphate) Pyruvic acid's at the start of the chain now this little thing may seem rather plain once a CO_2 and H+ goes away we're left with acetyl coenzyme A (now the cycle begins...) Now our poor acetyl is left by coenzyme A but oxaloacetic acid comes to save the day these 2 carbons plus this four make a neat trick along w/ water, they form the acid citric (vitamin C, that is -- let's not get scurvy) Bein bored w/ their partners, the carbons in this chain decide to dos-i-dos, then trap a water again from isocitric acid, a CO_2 escapes and then 2 hydrogens go to make NaDH (well, NaDH and a proton, really) (it's an electron transport helper) Now this is the most important part of our tale, we'll get alot of ATP plus a water, as well from the NaDH and proton's electric energy we get enough to make 3 ATPs (plus that water) (we didn't forget) (let's return to our cycle) Now tho it seems that these molecules are dead (alternate: If this cycle stops, then soon you'll be dead) so let's look back at alpha-ketoglutaric acid all this stuff comes out through w/ loss of energy and enough left over to make ATP (fuel that is, adenine triphosphate) (heard that one afore?) (watch that NaDH & proton...) (got 3 more ASTPs comin atcha (plus that water?)) (boy, haven't we talked enough?) Now if you watch this next step real close this FaDH_2 don't act like most in the electron transport chain, this thing's real cheap cause it only adds 2 ATP to the heap (got cheated, we did) (even after we gave it 2 Hs...) this stuff we have now seems pretty placid so we add H2O to get some malic acid we give up two H+s to make oxaloacetic acid then we send more NaDH to electron transport (thought we'd rhyme that last line, didn't ya?) (remember that acid - we're right back at the start!)