18 Nov 96 
So this morning I smell like meatloaf; not exactly a bad smell, but not  
exactly the odor I prefer to reek.   
I've been pretty testy lately, partly because of homework (which I've been  
doing all weekend) and partly because those nerds at United Media haven't  
been updating Dilbert, et. al. like they should be.  I don't feel like  
sending them huffy email though, because I'm sure there are enough  
pathetic people doing it already. 
I bought some bitchin' threads yesterday.  So I've now got 3 =groovy= tops  
for nights on the town and in the town, but I need to get some skirts and  
pants to go with.  Problem: I'm short.  Tha's not too much of a problem,  
but I'm also too lazy to hem.  I suppose I could buy, and let someone else  
tailor it to me.  I'm not too cheap for that.  I have some old pants I  
need hemmed anyway.  Hmmmm. 
Another thought: I wonder if all these people who put up the nice graphic  
ads on the Web realize that there are people like me, so prefer using lynx  
and when using Netscape I turn off auto-loading of images.  Mwa ha ha ha! 
And let me put in a good word for auto-saves.  paronomasia.   
A very good word, indeed. 
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